Implementing Go in Prisons, Youth Prison in the Guantanamo Province, Cuba

Name:Implementing Go in Prisons, Youth Prison in the Guantanamo Province, Cuba
Contributor:Rafael Torres Miranda
Organisation:Hermes Rodríguez Pons. Shodan

Project Description

The project stems from the assessment of Go teacher Hermes Rodriguez Pons ShoDan. District Chaplain of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church (Assemblies of God) who value what could contribute GO teaching, Christians linked to improving the vision of life goals, behavior, values and human principles and through this effect change in human values internally.

The acceptance of the directors of prisons allow inmates attracting young people interested in GO. The GO as something new draws attention to everything that helps the acceptance of others. Taking advantage of the space and time for the teaching of GO, it is a dialogue on human values and how the GO influences the logical, moral and ethical thought of the person. Support of the Cuban Go Academy in teaching material and equipment which are not always enough, has contributed to extend the practice and teaching. The lack of equipment limits us to continue developing and expanding to other objectives we have identified.

Aim of the Project

  • Disclosure, teaching and practice of Go in prisons
  • Model the behavior of the internal through teaching, learning and practice of Go
  • Use internal time while serving his penalty
  • To contribute to the rapprochement and improvement of social behavior based on internal values of Go encouraging ethical, human and friendship principles
  • Preparation of inmate study habits in mathematics and other lessons, when he joined the social life
  • Interact and build together their families, providing support for the achievement of a good relationship
  • Achieve them, discipline, order and responsible behavior in social life

Means of the Project

  • Go equipment and teaching material provided by Cuban Go Academy
  • Infrastructure provided by the Youth Prison in Guantanamo Province

Geographic Extension

Youth Prison in the Guantanamo province, Cuba.


It is a project with great results through the game of Go joined the gospel of Christ, we can achieve in not only good internal athletes also good people who learn the discipline, order, responsibility, maturity in character, be useful to others and in life, helps them make transparent and suitable for a new relationship in the family both socially and spiritually. We have seen the shift in thinking of the inmates who have joined the project. During the project we taught the practice of GO to 63 inmates. This is a project of continuity as long as we have the materials and equipment for their maintenance and sustainability.

Public Exposure

This project has been disseminated through the Cuban Go Academy in several forum was published in the journal of the American Go Association E-Journal and its results will be published in the press.

Human Resources

Professor, Hermes Rodríguez Pons, Shodan. Chaplain District of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church (Assemblies of God) from the city of Guantanamo. Professor, Reymundo Rojas Ocaña 2 Kyu. Teacher in physical education and Priests Chaplain of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church (Assemblies of God) from the city of Guantanamo. Time spent on the project is: Thursday and Sunday from 3 pm to 6:30 pm

Financial Resources

Financial resources are scarce, the project is based on an agreement between:


The prospects are infinite, had the willingness of teachers, equipment and literature.


We want to continue to grow in the project to other prisons, if we could have support in Go equipment, literature and other media that contribute to the objectives of the project and its expansion.

Material and financial resources to help develop the best conditions GO teachers on their performance, preparation and authority.

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